26 May, 2016

Aristotle bust
The grave of the influential philosopher, Aristotle may have been discovered in Northern Greece, said a Greek archaeologist on Thursday amid a world conference on the thinker in Thessaloniki.

“There are strong indications that we have found his grave,” Kostas Sismanides was quoted as saying by a state-run television station.

The philosopher’s likely resting place is also where he was born, the ancient city of Stagira, on the eastern side of the Chalcidice peninsula near the town of Olympiada.

Stagira’s residents brought Aristotle’s ashes to his birthplace after his death in 322 BC in the southern city of Chalcis and placed them in the horseshoe-shaped building in question, the archaeologist said.

Sismanides has been in charge of excavations in the Stagira area since 1996, according to the TV station report.


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