21 May, 2016

An armed guard at White House

A man brandishing a weapon outside the White House grounds in Washington D.C  was shot down on Friday afternoon and now is taken into custody, a U.S. Secret Service official confirmed.

The man, identified as a white male in his early 30s, was then transported in critical condition, said the NBC News report. U.S. President Obama was on a golf outing at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland when the shooting occurred, according to the local media.

ABC News  identified the man as Jesse A. Olivieri of Pennsylvania.

The White House went into lockdown after the shooting incident and reopened nearly one hour after.

The shooting occurred at 3:06 pm local time when the adult male, carrying a firearm, approached an outer perimeter checkpoint of the White House, said David Lacovetti with the U.S. Secret Service.

He said Secret Service officers had given numerous verbal commands for the man to stop and drop the gun but failed in vain. The man was shot once by a Secret Service agent and then rushed to a hospital for medical treatment.

At no time did the man access the White House complex and no one else was injured in the incident, said Lacovetti in a report issued by the White House.

“He was carrying a gun–it was a silver gun in clear sight, walked through the fence line,” a witness named Larry Samples, told the NBC News.

“I saw the Secret Service and officers coming around him,” Samples said, “They gave him multiple chances to stop his advance and he refused. He just kept walking.”

Earlier reports from multi TV networks said the suspect allegedly opened fire on the White House complex.

In September 2014, an intruder ran across the North Lawn and entered the main residence before being subdued by a secret service officer.

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