08 December, 2014

I hope you have not foggoten so soon how that Ugandan maid maltreated and abused a child of one and half years old. She gave many reason reasons for her action.

Anyway, this is the latest update about the incidence.

The Ugandan maid who was filmed battering that little girl few weeks ago was in court today and she pleaded guilty to child abuse.

Jolly Tumuhirwe who was in court today with her mum, asked her parents, the girl’s parents and all of Uganda to forgive her.

According to BBC report, the girl’s father Eric Kamanzi broke down in court when Tumuhirwe asked for forgiveness.

She face up to 15 years in prison for the crime or a fine of about $400 or both.

The case was adjourned to Wednesday, December 10, 2014 when the Judge is expected to sentence her.

She was led away by prison officers in cuffs after the session this morning.

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