07 November, 2014

Marriage is, for many people, their most important relationship, the source of much happiness and pleasure!

There are advantages and disadvantages of being married. Apart from the much talked-about weight gain and arguments, there are positive aspects. If the union is happy, what the couple may experience is financial benefits, support, good health and many more.

See the full list of reasons why you should drop everything and get married as soon as possible:

1. Longer Life

It has been estimated that the number of people who die is twice as high among unmarried couples. Married people take better care of each other, support their partners and provide help if needed. People who feel responsible for their spouse and kids feel the need to take care of themselves. They understand that there is someone who needs them. Advice: If you want to live longer, get married. Do not make a mistake though by marrying someone who is not your true soul mate!

2. Looking After Yourself

Statistic data show that married females and males are healthier. Some married people feel so responsible for their beloved that they start taking better care of themselves, they quit bad habits which leads to a longer life. It is devastating and destructive to live in a relationship where people misunderstand and mistreat each other. In this case, life can only be shorter and health much worse. So, the point here is not just to get married for the sake of marriage but to be happily married, enjoy your married life, love your partner and be loved back.

3. Lower Risk Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Married people have a regular and stable sex life. They do not need to constantly look for a sexual partner. This lowers the risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases. We are now talking about couples in which both partners love each other and stay loyal and faithful to each other. People who disrespect their spouses and cheat on them stay at a higher risk of STDs.

4. Better Health

For women, there are health benefits to being married. Good sex life showed a complete feeling of satisfaction and happiness. This influences mood and as we know, mental health is not less important than physical health. Research has proved that single people suffer from mood swings and even depression more often.

5. Health Issues Solved

Not only ladies experience health benefits. Men are also healthier both mentally and emotionally when they are married. They are taken care of, feel loved and needed. It’s good for men’s cardiovascular system. They are less prone to strokes, heart attacks and other diseases.

6. Better Financial Situation

It is obvious that a couple spends more money than a single person. But the thing is that a couple makes more money and they can afford to buy more. Married men realize that they are providers for their wives and kids and start earning better money while single men can live on a lower salary since they are not motivated to work and earn more.

7. Beating Bad Habits

Studies show that married people get rid of their bad habits much easier because their sense of responsibility for their family won’t let them drink or use drugs. Some quit smoking when they are motivated by their spouse and children. If you are single, then fighting your addiction on your own becomes far more difficult.

8. Easier To Take Care Of Kids

When you are not alone it is always easier, especially if we are talking about young children. Parents who share their responsibility for their children serve a better example. Their kids learn what a real family relationship is, which will make them happier personalities in their future family life.

9. Fulfilling Life

Since a couple earns better money it means that they can improve their living condition and buy a better house or apartment in a nice location. They can also afford traveling, better food and education for their children.

10. Lifelong Companionship

Being committed to someone is great. It’s rewarding to have a person who cherishes and protects you. These are eternal virtues. They have always been highly appreciated by people. All of us dream that some day we meet someone special with whom we will spend the rest of our lives.


God Bless You.

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