06 November, 2014

It beats me how a pastor will allow a lady dress like this into his church for wedding.

I think I will not blame those churches that screen Wedding Gown/dress before the wedding to know if it is okay or not for the day.

Madam are you trying to show everybody that
you get all it takes to be a lady/woman or what?

How can the husband open his eyes and allow his suitor to advertise what belong to him alone to the whole world, choi! There is God anyway!!

Can we also say the the fall of Man in the garden of Eden is responsible for all this nakedness or what?

Is like the body of Christ and the entire society leading to high level of moral decadence and fall in the moral and spiritual climate of the church and nation.

It is high time the church leadership, the Christian bodies, ministers and church leaders should discourage Christians, their members and followers from promoting immorality and indecent life styles through their mode of dressing and also condemn it outrightly by leading exemplary life, conduct, and by enforcing disciplinary measures on the erring members.

The role of media houses, film and fashion industries shouldn’t be aimed at promoting indecency, indiscipline and sexual immoralities but should rather promote our  godly values and spiritual heritage as befits the church and our national life.

Why ladies and men choose to dress indecently.
Apostle Paul to the 1st Timothy chapter 2:9, 10.  ‘I also want women to dress moderately, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deed, appropriate for women who profess to worship God’.

And also first Epistle of Peter 3:3, 4 ‘Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hairs and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.  Instead it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of a great worth in God’s sight’.

A news paper article once carried this and I quote “Is this a woman’s magazine?” if not why bother us with things as “small as clothing” leave this thing for women.

Let them whirl aware their “idleness” talking about their gold trinket, cosmetics, intricate hairdos and expensive Georges, laces etc”

Men are more articulate in terms of clothing, clothes have never been exclusive women affairs. They have made and unmade men and women in palaces, parliaments, offices, and company board rooms, political soap boxes, religious cloisters, factories, schools and colleges and I add even churches.

The world we are, has passed through many ages ranging from primitive ages also referred to as stone age to the age of industrial revolution down to the age of scientific and technological advancement and finally to this millennium, the age of information and computer technology (ICT), the age of internet, cable television, the Global System of Mobile Communication (GSM), has turned the whole world to global village.

As this age we are presently, is fast moving, the result is the constant and fast changing dressing styles and fashions.

Somebody - a follower of this blog once asked me why I don't post on Fashion, Lifestyle, Entertainment and so on. I think it is high time to address some issues on that and not to shy away from it.

Basically, all societies whether primitive or modern, civilized or uncivilized have clear norms as to what constitutes proper dressing and all people do seem to feel modest about some things.
Years ago, people show modesty in dressing as a good habit rather than an instinct and felt very uneasy, very uncomfortable in any social situation where they are shun of habit ingrained clothing, decoration or deportment.

The modern society has become highly immoral and insensitive that the sense of modesty and decency in the matters of dressing and ornamentation is defeated and antiquated hence, immorality, the display of wealth and identification between groups have assumed the major significance as one critically examines patterns of clothes, jewelries, hair style and body decorations.

All attributes of dress are seemingly invested with deep emotional gratification.
all the decades. Skirts zoomed to the high tight and was nicknamed mini. Dresses were cut out in oddly manner. More flesh was exposed. More and more bodies needed to look glamorous.

The look was to be milder, funny and drastically cute, and to go with it, came tights, the bikini, the topless, the panties, the stockings and the boned bras.
Body studio gyms began to sprout up all over the towns and cities in different places in the mid sixties. With the short skirts popularly known as mini-skirts showing more to be desired on female bodies, the long legs and yellow thighs were exposed.
Women began to be aware that they had to keep their bodies toned and in perfect shape, they could no longer depend on foundation garments anymore.

In the seventies as far as fashion is concerned anything goes. Long full skirts, short tight, mini- skirts, jean trousers, the peasant look, the tailored look, the panty look, the skimpy look, the tartly look and the ethnic look.

Each look came and went the panty look lingered. What was obvious was that these so-called fashions sometimes make ladies look more or less like beasts.  They make women look wild.
The truth is that it is impossible to look respectable and responsible without the best foundation clothes, this is because money cannot buy good body or desired shapes beside the way God originally made it.

Indecent dressing enhances flirtation, prostitution, breeds unhealthy relationship and evil association. Indecent dressing like dangerous epidemic has escalated among Christians and impacting negatively. The negative impact indecent dressing has caused the Church and the larger society cannot be over emphasized.

May I use this medium to appeal to those who have already fallen victims of this scourge to embrace the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ and make a fresh decision to live a life of comportment, moderation and decency. The decision you make today can affect your tomorrow even your destiny and eternity. Understand that Heaven is real likewise Hell. Heaven is a prepared city for a prepared people. Examine yourself and make a U-Turn

God Bless You

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