13 October, 2014

The Nigerian Military while trying so hard to wipe out Boko Haram terrorists in Adamawa State have disclosed that some soldiers and officers are inventing pranks to avoid deployment to the battlefield.

At the weekend, seven soldiers allegedly opened fire on different parts of their bodies and later claimed that Boko Haram terrorists shot them, but when medical examination was carried out on them, it was discovered that the shots were self-inflicted.

The army high command has also discovered that information about its strategies and operational road map in the North East were being passed on to Boko Haram terrorists by orderlies and close aides of commanders on the field.

It was gathered that some of the perpetrators of the crime had been arrested, while a board of inquiry had been set up to carry out further investigation, after which a court martial to try them would be set up.

The source revealed that many of the soldiers had devised means, so as not to be set for battlefield, while others faked strange ailments.

It was reliably gathered that the alleged attack on seven soldiers at the weekend were carefully masterminded by the troops, so as to look as if the Boko Haram, terrorists actually attacked them.

The source disclosed that when the soldiers were brought to the hospital in Adamawa, the injuries were fresh, while the bullets just pierced through the flesh to the other side, with no bone affected.

According to Nigerian Tribune, the troops had started pushing out the insurgents from the zone, with the arrival of the new equipment.

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