21 October, 2014

Recently, I published a post on "The Ordeal of a Raped Woman" which was I True Life Story culled from PUNCH. I posted a comment at the footage that "Rapist should be treated and dealt with like the case of EBOLA. I aslo suggested that Life Imprisonment should be given to the rapist."

If you missed the story,CLICK HERE

Today, the suggestion has come to stay. The Bill has been passed.

Therefore, FBM is saying, all RAPISTS, Be Warned!!!

Now read;

The Nigerian Senate has passed a bill that will see convicted rapists jailed for life.

The bill was passed last Thursday, and it was sponsored by Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba.

Senate President said during the session that he hoped the new bill would help protect people and curtail evil deeds.

The new bill seeks to eliminate violence in private and public life.

It specifically prohibits all forms of violence, ranging from physical, sexual, psychological, domestic, harmful traditional practices and discrimination, against persons.

A person convicted under the section, according to the bill, is liable to imprisonment for life.

However, where the victim is less than 14 years of age, the offender shall be liable to a minimum of 14 years imprisonment.

“Where the act described under this section is committed by a group of persons, the offence shall be known as gang rape.

“And on conviction the persons shall be liable jointly and severally to a minimum of 20 years imprisonment without an option of fine.

“The court shall also award appropriate compensation to the victim as it may deem fit in the circumstance,’’ according to the bill.

Source: 360nobs

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