15 October, 2014


Wednesday October 15th 2014

Memorise: Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O LORD. Psalm 25:7

Read: Ecclesiastes 12:1-7,

Bible in one year: 2 Samuel 14:15, Proverbs 12:1-14

A youth can be defined as a young man or woman who is strong in body and sound in mind. Youths make up the bulk of a typical community. Ideally, youths are the men and women of war.

A man of war is an instrument of both protection and destruction. He protects his friends but destroys his foes (1 Samuel 17:33). The best time to be focuses in life is the time of youth. It is most productive period in the life of a person. Lamentations 3:27 says:
“It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.”

It should be noted however that youths have their limitations. Though they are strong, energetic and sound in mind, they have their weaknesses. For example, many decisions that a youth will take will require the counsel and probably the assistance of elders, so as to avoid blunders. Are you a youth? Don’t forget that you need valuable advice form elders (Proverbs 20:29). The time of youth is delicate. Youths can fall and fail if they not careful (Isaiah 40:30).

If care is not taken, the young can be used in the community by evil-minded people as miscreants to perpetrate mischief and unleash terror on innocent persons. Youths need guidance because of their inexperience (proverbs 2:16-18). Young people are often despised, looked down upon and disdained (1 Timothy 4:12).

They are also susceptible to temptation, thus, the best time to give appropriate guidance to a person is in his or her youthful age. Also, the best time to remember God is at the period of youth (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Young people make up the bulk of the society and they are the ones that bring about its growth. Are you a youth and a child of God?

 You have a crucial role to play in your community and a child of God? You have a crucial role to play in your community. First, it is your duty to love your community and have its best interests at heart. If you do, you will pray for your community (Luke 18:1). Go all out to seek it welfare. Secondly, as a youth, you can contribute greatly to the growth of your community by bringing in new ideas.

All developed societies utilise their young people to the maximum, harnessing their energy and innovation. Youths generate modern and creative ideas. They are strong and can be given any assignment, being at their productive peak.

As a Christian youth, you can be as asset to your community when you live holy and submit yourself to the Holy Spirit. Are you an elder? Encourage your youths in your community to maximize their potentials. Pray for them. Guide and counsel them to be committed to God’s agenda.

Action Point
To be an asset to your community, be committed to a Christ-like pattern of living, and commit yourself to people and God’s program.

God Bless You

NOTE: Sorry for sending it late. it was due to some challenges like Network and others.

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