11 September, 2014


In the book of Ecclesiastes, it was made known that so many of us have taken the responsibility of the Holy Spirit upon ourselves, we put ourselves in the position of God by judging others of their misdeeds.

So many people has made christianity hard for themselves and they have forgotten that we should be joyful in the Lord, rejoicing because we are saved and we are now heirs of God and co-heirs of Christ.

Many people take things too serious and not knowing that by doing that, we tend to push people away from Christ.

Imaging an unbeliever not being able to come to Church because of the way the people will look at him/her, people have forgotten that we should welcome people to Christ with gladness in our heart, people have forgotten that all you have to do is to bring people to Christ, it is then the work of the Holy Spirit to convict and convert.

Being too spiritual (as we claim to be) tends to push people away from God than it brings people to God. Christianity is freedom. Freedom has to be enjoyed and that cannot be achieved by making the new converts feel like they are in bondage. Although the Bible makes us to understand in the book of Galatians 5:13 that we have been called to be free but we shouldn't use our freedom to satisfy our sinful nature.

When our "don'ts" are more than our "dos", people tend to think twice, when you keep telling people don't do this, don't do that, and all we do is to find fault in one another and we have forgotten that the bible told us that if anyone of us is found backsliding; such a person should be corrected with love, it didn't say such a person should be judge, we have all forgotten that the Bible tells us that no one is righteous, not even one.

New converts should be brought up in love and gladness of the heart, you should correct them when you see something wrong but you should leave the Holy Spirit to convict them of their ways of life and so many other things they need to change.

By bombarding a new convert with rules of don't,don't and don't makes them wonder if Christianity is worth it (doubt), you should make them feel glad and loved, they should be happy joining our family. We should be careful condemning people because not even one of us is perfect in the sight of the lord.

When we convict a newly converted Christian about their ways of life, their dressing, material things etc. It makes them wonder if they are really accepted in this family and they tend to go back to that place where they were coming from. They should be accepted no matter the state they are in, no matter the way they are dressed, no matter how they look (Romans 14:1). Our God is love and we should show forth that love unto the whole earth, not just to the christians alone.

The Bible made us to understand that things that are physical are temporal but things that can't be seen with the physical eyes are eternal, we should all be focused on our eternal life and not temporal things.

"Christianity is not about what we do in church or what we do in the company of other believers rather, it is what we do in our unguarded moments"

 - By Wale Oyeboade

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Be prepared!!! @folabright



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