27 December, 2014


I am a 30-year-old teacher who has been using a pair of glasses since I was 15 years old. Since I am already tired of using glasses, a friend suggested that I should try contact lens. Kindly educate me on what this will entail. Thanks.

Daisy (by SMS)

Contact lenses (contacts) have the following advantages; provision of predictable vision correction, elimination of the need to wear eyeglasses all the time and the availability of a wide range of lens types to meet individual needs. However, contact lenses also have the following disadvantages; cleaning and disinfecting your lenses can be complicated and inconvenient.  In addition, you need good hand-eye coordination to clean, insert, and remove the lenses. There is also an increased risk of corneal infections, scratches, and scrapes while lenses can be easily damaged or lost.

Wearing contact lenses, including the costs of cleaning and disinfecting solutions, is more expensive than using ordinary glasses while in some work areas, you will need to use protective eyewear if you wear contact lenses.  In spite of these disadvantages, many people who have used contacts have spoken well of the experience which you can also try.

Source: Nigerian Tribune
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